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Não há mesmo limites para o ridículo!

Um grupo de devotos norte-americanos resolveu entrar com uma acção federal contra o governo norte-americano e Barack Obama a propósito da lei que assegura cuidados de saúde para todos nos Estados Unidos. De acordo com os alucinados cristãos, a lei é anti-constitucional porque viola a sua liberdade de religião, nomeadamente ao  estabelecer «a religião secular do Socialismo». Na People versus US versus Obama (aqui em pdf) os queixosos explicam porque é que garantir cuidados de saúde para todos é impor uma religião de Estado e uma ofensa inaceitável ao cristianianismo:


47. Plaintiff Joshua Hansen has a sincerely held religious belief that God will provide for his physical, spiritual, and financial well-being. Being forced to buy health insurance highly offensive to his faith and beliefs. (...) he feels God directs him to obtain, including alternative forms of medicine, such as natural healing, homeopathic treatment, and other alternative forms of medical treatment not recognized or covered by PPACA*.


49. Joshua Hansen believes in relying on God to preserve his health and provide for his physical, spiritual, and financial needs (...) the PPACA imposes direct and substantial religious and financial burdens upon Plaintiff Joshua Hansen and offends his religious beliefs.


73. Plaintiff TRACIE PISTOCCO is a Christian (...) She has a sincerely held religious belief that charity is an obligation and sacrament of his faith as commanded by the Bible that people, as individuals—as opposed to government—are to care for one another. (...) Part of this sincerely held religious belief is that all forms of Socialism are abhorrent and contrary to her Christian faith (...) She objects to PPACA because it compels her, under the guise of the "shared responsibility payment", to perform forced charity which violates the very foundation of his Christian faith.


74.... Christopher Hansen is a Christian and member and founder of the First Christian Fellowship of Eternal Sovereignty and believes that Socialism and its twin brothers, Communism, Fascism, and Marxism, are State/Civic religions and thus that Obamcare/ PPACA, an admittedly socialistic and compelled system of belief, violates the free exercise clause of the First Amendment, because it destroys his ability to exercise his religion according to the dictates of his own conscience. In his belief, Satan is the founder of compelled "charity" (...) To force him to participate in Obamacare thus violates his free exercise of religion under the First Amendment.


76. Plaintiffs Christopher Hansen, TONY DANE, and GALE CARLTON (...)  object to the PPACA because it is the establishment of Socialism as a civil / secular religion, and compels participation in this state sponsored religion (...)


*PPACA é o acrónimo que designa o Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act e respectivas emendas pelo Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act .

4 comentários

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Isabel Moreira

Ana Vidigal
Irene Pimentel
Miguel Vale de Almeida

Rogério da Costa Pereira

Rui Herbon

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